Shortlisted for the British Animation Awards
All Consuming Love (Man in a Cat) has been shortlisted in the Best Short Film category at the British Animation Awards. Woo!
The British Animation Awards is a totally unique event: the only one that brings together all the key players, and emerging and established talent, from the many and varied sectors of the UK animation scene, for an evening that is very different – and we think rather more fun! – than most Awards events.
The BAA shortlisted entries will be seen by the main jury in mid-January, who will decide on three finalists and a winner and it’s very exciting to be in the mix.
The film is also in programme three of the BAA Public Choice awards
The Public Choice Programme offers you – the audience – the chance to select your favourite films from a fantastic range of animation films made over the past two years.Three programmes containing a mix of animated shorts, music videos and commercials are screening at 21 venues across the UK.
So if you see the film out and about give us a vote! You can see the venues and screening dates for the Public Choice awards here.
Wish us luck!