Man in a Cat picked out by Sight & Sound magazine


It’s been a busy old news week, hasn’t it? So busy that we forgot to mention that All Consuming Love (Man in a Cat) had been picked out by Sight & Sound magazine in it’s top-nine films at the London Short Film Festival, which is more than nice of them.

Here’s what Sight & Sound‘s Dylan Cave had to say about the film:

The festival opens with this weird hand-drawn animation about a tiny man who lives inside a stray cat. The cat is given shelter by a lonely young woman and the little man inside immediately falls in love with her, making plans to leave his feline home. An original, cheeky, and surprisingly coherent piece.

That’s right, “surprisingly coherent”. Louis says he wants that on his gravestone and I may hold him to it. And just so you know they’re not any old jokers:

Sight & Sound was first published in 1932 and in 1934 management of the magazine was handed to the nascent BFI, which still publishes the magazine today.

So there.

We’re going to be at the London Short Film Festival awards ceremony on Sunday 15th Jan so if you’re going to be there too say hello!