GIFs for BBC
Since Ian started full time at BBC Digital Guerrillas I’ve had the chance to work with him, churning out animation on some different projects for BBC. Here’s a little round up of some of them.
BBC Shakespeare
BBC Shakespeare ran activities on Shakespeare’s 400th Death-iversary and they wanted some animations for their social media channels. I made a few Gilliam inspired animations that fitted the tone. The ‘Hamlet’ animation below was also projected at the BBC Mailbox studio. I also made a daft Birthday/Deathday Cake GIF that didn’t get used but I was quite pleased with.
BBC Odd Taste
Digital Guerrilla’s did a week-long reactive comedy takeover of BBC Taster. It was a really interesting project that lumped together comedians, developers, illustrators, photoshoppers and animators into virtual writers’ rooms on Slack and Google Hangout. Here’s a couple of things I made for Jimi Hendrix’s birthday and Wear Your Band T-Shirt To Work Day.
BBC Three Launch Vines
As BBC Three moved online I was asked to make a couple of mashups of their launch video for use on Vine. They got a nice reaction but weren’t used in the end. I suppose Greg Davies mucking about the apes from 2001 is a bit of stretch for the younger demographic.