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  • Man in a Cat picked out by Sight & Sound magazine

    It’s been a busy old news week, hasn’t it? So busy that we forgot to mention that All Consuming Love (Man in a Cat) had been picked out by Sight & Sound magazine in it’s top-nine films at the London Short Film Festival, which is more than nice of them. Here’s what Sight & Sound‘s Dylan Cave had to…

  • Loco Best comedy short award

    Shortlisted for Best Comedy Short at London Short Film Festival

    In more awards news All Consuming Love (Man in a Cat) has been shortlisted for the LoCo Award for Best Comedy Short at the 9th London Short Film Festival. We’re in the top three alongside Tequila (dir Jon Drever) and Tumult (dir Johnny Barrington). The winning film will screen as LoCo’s Discovery Short, highlighting the best new talent at the London Comedy Film Festival, at the BFI…